Enter the Scottish Aesthetics Awards

Registration is Now Closed

If you are on this page, we’d like to thank you for your interest! If you’d like to enter the Scottish Aesthetics Awards as a business owner, or you would like to nominate someone else who’s deserving of an award, the registration process is easy.  

Enter your details below, select your category, and we will be in touch to confirm your registration and next steps,

good luck!

You may submit as many entries as you want, free of charge

PLEASE NOTE: If you are entering on behalf of an individual eg. Skin therapist or Aesthetic Nurse please use their details to register and complete a separate application for each nomination.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload in either JPG or PNG format.
Only applicable for Aesthetic nurse, doctor, dentist and surgeon awards.

Please select the categories you would like to be entered for below.
Please note, these categories will be open to a public vote.

If you are entering on behalf of an individual eg. Skin therapist or Aesthetic Nurse please use their details to register and complete a separate application for each nomination.

Please note, the following categories will be judged by industry experts, please ensure you add your supporting information in the boxes provided.

This may be that you have created a huge impact on the aesthetics industry – or you may have changed a client’s life for the better, the category is open to a huge variety of applicants that each have their own outstanding achievement.
If you have expanded your business/brand, this award is the perfect category for you! With the aesthetics industry ever growing, the need for new products and multiple clinics is also, more than ever. Therefore, if you have went on to open a second (or multiple) clinic - or decided to offer new services then this award is perfect for you.
This award is for Aesthetics practitioners that have begun working within the field within 18 months prior to January 2024 and are GMC/NMC registered
This award is for those who use marketing material to advertise their business/products. In the world we live in today social media/influencing is hugely important to any business – therefore this award will highlight those that benefit from marketing and embrace the results.
This award is for Scottish aesthetics training academy’s which are taught by an experienced + registered medic (nurse/doctor) who is able to provide students with correct accreditation once the course has been completed (eg. CPD + ARAP)

To complete your entry please choose a Username and an account will be created for you.
This will allow you to review and make changes to your entry until the closing date for registrations